Saturday, March 19, 2011

its back!!! alhamdulillah..

birthday comes again..which is yestesday,,,haha..alhamdulillah i'm 18 now,,,
nothing special b'coz SPM results is just around he coner...seram la,,,i pray for the best 4 my self and others,,,insyaallah kita boleh!!Ya Allah,,dalam kepala ni asik pikir bende tu je..ok,,ok..proceed crita lain..baru balik dr kampong,,,a bit messy there,,rumah lama tinggal kan??mama boleh terjumpa kulit ular la pulak...happy sebab da lama x balik plus mmg rindu kampong betol..penat sebab kawasan beso to abah n angah la coz larat nk sapu until mid day la...a bit sad coz just eight of us to clear up the mess,,yg lain tak da maybe busy...x pe next round u all have to be there okay???chaw...greetings!!:)<3

Sunday, March 6, 2011

here it goes!!

basically..i'm new what??everyone in this world start something that is i rite??there..anyway...i've just watched a video by anuar hadi...well,,he's am,wat i'm going to say is that..if u r malaysian,,go and watch it..b'coz wat he says is fact that is happened in our world rite sangat la aq ni..the thing is aq pon orang malaysia..I'M PROUD TO BE MALAYSIAN!!!maybe people around my age might be saying this...
1.ko ni sangat lain kerana terlalu pikirkan hal2 org dewasa.
2.macam mak nenek
3.tah hape hape...
ok,,thats enough,,,i'm who i am okey..??
x kesah la..i'm admit that i'm kinda....grown up girl..but still a kid to my mom(obviously) you too!!!ahah..
so,,,this is my first post..i guess i'm going to type n telling u a lots of story from my life n things that happened around me..
until we meet again..assalamualaikum...peace upon you people...greetings